It was a hot and humid afternoon where her vision was blurred by sweat that dripped and flowed into her large hazel-brown eyes. The pain was intense and humiliating. She should know better. She watched him eye green-jacket-girl with a desire of unknown boundary and the pain numbed her head. She felt like she had been eaten up from the inside and tears started to leak. Her friend next to her eyed her with beady eyes wearily. 'Too hot, too much sweat.' She referred to her tears.
The green-jacket-girl ignored the guy staring at her and pretended to study history about civilization with a Calculus book underneath. She leaned her head on the table and closed her eyes. Maybe the pain would go away faster this way. It seemed wrong to fall for her buddy. He was her best friend. And she loved him. With all her soul and heart. And her heart was-breaking. Instead of telling him that she needed him, she was helping them get together. She was passing messages for them, she was telling him things about her-green-jacket-girl. He was happy. He had finally found the love of his life. And green-jacket-girl responded equally with a positive attitude, directly proportional. Where does that leave her? Outside the perfect circle only enough places for two people?
She sucked in deep as her car arrived and dashed across the road to meet him. Standing in front of him, she was speechless. Finally, she spoke. ' Ian, I'm leaving the country tomorrow to further my studies in Chemistry. Goodbye.' With that, she turned and dashed into the car, her body shaking and choking on tears hard.
This is for Ginny Lim and Hemlatha. It was inspired by a story I read and the recent happenings.